
All ValveTrain Sound Clips

Scroll down to the bottom for details on how these clips were created…

All tracks performed by Jeff DeHollander.

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Listen to ValveTrain 205...

Listen to ValveTrain 205TB

Listen to ValveTrain 635

These clips were created in a manner that virtually anyone can re-create.

No games, no silliness, just straight up samples.

The sources for these clips were recorded with the guitar plugged directly into a Korg D888 Digital Recorder. No EQ, no EFFECTS, PAN set to the middle, input level down 6db at the peak, fader at Unity gain.

The clips are all fed from the board to the input jack of the amp. A Sennehiser 609 was placed 1″ from the grille cloth and was positioned 1/2 way out from the center on the left side of the cone.

The clips were normalized to 0db and converted from a mono WAV format to stereo MP3 format.

That’s it… Nuthin but amp…
